
I help fintech brands shatter the ‘meh’ with their content marketing. Some of the ways I could help you are through the services below.

Articles and Online Content

Articles, blogs, infographics, and long-form pieces. I’ve written hundreds of them across every topic in the financial industry. I specialize in thought leadership interview articles. I can make your internal experts shine.



Whitepapers are often dry and don’t get read. I can help create a well-researched whitepaper your prospects will want to read and pass around. And if you need help getting started, ask about my 60-minute whitepaper planning session.


Case Studies

Everyone claims that their services and products deliver the best. But if you can prove it, that’s a whole other story. Let’s bring your best success stories to life with case studies.

Strategy and Consulting

I also work with clients in an advisory capacity.  Some of my strategy sessions include my subject matter expert (SME) idea miner to generate topics, my 90-minute whitepaper planning session, and my content marketing accelerator workshop. Reach out for more details.

Additional Services



Trade Journals




Schedule a complimentary
15 minute introduction call
Samples and price quotes available upon request

Minimum project fee $2,000

Contact Me

Email is the best way to reach me. If you send me an email, I will reply within 48 hours. If you’d like to talk by phone or Skype, also send me an email and we can schedule a time.



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